Estrella de Levante launches its new beer 'Reserva 60' to celebrate its 60th anniversary

Pedro Marín, general manager of the Murcian brewery, highlights the main milestones achieved over the last six decades, such as innovation in energy efficiency, sustainability and social responsibility
Estrella de Levante is finalizing the details of its new beer 'Reserva 60', a special edition which can now be enjoyed on draught. Pedro Marín, Estrella de Levante's general manager, presented this new beer at a press conference held at the Espinardo brewery to commemorate the brewery's 60-year history.
"It's a beer celebrating these past 60 years. We made a special edition for the 50th anniversary, a bottle that threw back to the very first one, and ten years later we have gone a step further by creating a Reserva beer, which we will call 60 in honor of this anniversary", explains Pedro Marín.
"It's a powerful, full-bodied, cloudy, 6.3% beer, which will offer our customers a cellar beer option". Marín explained that "it is a beer that comes from what our brewery brew masters and brewery workers called 'mother beer', a beer that will continue to elevate the flavor and brewing power of our beloved Estrella de Levante".
A look back at 60 years of history
More than four billion liters of beer, 43 million barrels, more than 1.500 million thirds, more than 2.500 million fifths - these are the big numbers of Estrella de Levante's production in the last six decades. More than 2,000 people have worked these sixty years directly or indirectly at the Espinardo brewery, which will finish this year with a production of close to two million hectoliters of beer.
Pedro Marín reviewed the main milestones of the Murcian brewery over the years, among which he highlighted the promotion of innovation in energy efficiency, sustainability and social responsibility.
"Estrella de Levante was the first brewery to calculate its water footprint, enabling a 60-percent reduction in water consumption for each liter of beer produced", emphasized Juan Antonio López Abadía, the brewery's technical director and head of the Environment. He also highlighted the 2019-opening of a solar plant in the factory which generates enough energy to supply 1,500 homes per year via the different energy and waste reuse processes. The brewery was awarded the Aenor Zero Waste seal in 2022.
The Estrella de Levante director summarized the main milestones of the last decade, among which he highlighted the creation of new beers such as Punta Este, Verna and the seasonal beers; the launch of the Estrella de Levante Foundation in 2021; the construction of the ‘Sala de Catas’ in the Espinardo factory two years ago, which has already been visited by more than 30.000 people between visits and events; the start-up of the Southeast Logistics Centre in Alcantarilla, 72,000 square meters used for distribution and logistics; and the latest technological advances in automation at the Espinardo factory.
From day one, Estrella de Levante has been committed to reinvesting part of its profits in actions that help society in areas such as music, culture, popular festivals, sport, gastronomy and social action. More than 300,000 people a year pass attend festivals and music events where the brand is a main sponsor.
"Participating in society has always been part of Estrella de Levante's growth and responsibility", said Marín. He concluded his speech by giving special thanks to "the work of all the customers of the Murcian brewery, who have been the key to keeping the idea of Estrella de Levante alive for the past sixty years. "The hotel and catering industry is the heart that keeps our society beating", he said.
Marín has also highlighted the unconditional support that the owners, represented on the Board of Directors, have given Estrella de Levante over the years: "the support has been more and more important every year. Without the support of the Board, nothing would have been possible," he concluded.