Estrella Damm and Gastroevents promote #GastroNadal2020

The initiative brings together renowned chefs in the Old Estrella Damm Factory in an online event
Next Saturday, 12 December, the Estrella Damm Old Brewery in Barcelona is being transformed into the main dish for the first edition of #GastroNadal2020, an online event in which well-known chefs from across Catalonia prepare the gastronomic delicacies they bring to holiday celebrations in their restaurants.
A total of twenty-one chefs from well-recognised restaurants will participate in this initiative, promoted and organised by Estrella Damm and Gastroevents. They will present the dishes offered in their establishments for the Christmas period, putting together the most complete and varied recipe book of Christmas gastronomy. It will also be offered for delivery and takeaway so that it can be enjoyed at home during these dates.
Recipes from yesteryear and today will be prepared in the Estrella Damm Old Brewery or from the kitchens of their restaurants from 9:30 to 19:30. Ten hours of the best gastronomy that can be followed live on the YouTube channel GastoEvents Online.
GastroNadal2020 is an initiative that falls under the #quenosapaguinelsfogons, which was born from supporting the hospitality industry, which is one of those that has suffered the most during the Covid-19 crisis.
Establishments and chefs participating in #GastroNadal2020:
9.30 h | Oriol Castro | Disfrutar** | Barcelona |
10.00 h | David Andrés | Via Veneto* | Barcelona |
10.30 h | Fermí Puig | Fermí Puig | Barcelona |
11.00 h | Carles Abellán | La Barra | Barcelona |
11.30 h | Fran López | Xerta* | Barcelona |
12.00 h | Carles Gaig | Gaig Barcelona | Puigcerdà |
12.30 h | Marc Gascons | Els Tinars* | Llagostera |
13.00 h | Albert Adrià | Torrons Vicens | Barcelona |
13.30 h | Nandu Jubany | Can Jubany* | Vic |
14.00 h | Pere Arpa | Ca l'Arpa* | Banyoles |
14.30 h | Quim Casellas | Casamar* | Llafranc |
15.00 h | Joan Roca & Montserrat Fontané Jordi Roca | Mas Marroc y Can Roca Casa Cacao |
Girona |
16.00 h | Cesc Rovira | Fonda Xesc* | Gombrèn |
16.30 h | Vicent Guimerà | L'Antic Molí* | Ulldecona |
17.00 h | Carles Flinch | Cal Manel | Andorra |
17.30 h | Ada Parellada | Semproniana | Barcelona |
18.00 h | Quim Márquez | El Quim de la Boqueria | Barcelona |
18.30 h | Victor Quintillà | Lluerna* | Sta. Coloma de Gramanet |
19.00 h | Albert Raurich | Dos Palillos* | Barcelona |