Estrella Damm incorporates carton rings to its cans

This ground-breaking project within the beer industry entails a plastic reduction of over 260 t per year.
Since December 1st, Estrella Damm has completely eliminated the use of plastic rings. Instead, it manufactures 100% of its cans with 100% biodegradable carton rings. This ground-breaking project within the beer industry will entail a plastic reduction of over 260 tonnes per year, that is almost 89 million plastic ring units.
In 2019 Estrella Damm launched a project aimed to reduce the use of single-use plastics. As the company has already replaced all of the plastic pack rings with carton rings, it is now working to substitute also the decorated plastic around beer cans for carton in 2021. This project, which has been going on for the last two years, represented a change in the industrial structure of the company, as well as a 6 million euros investment.
Estrella Damm expressed its will to remove plastic rings from its cans in the final message of "Act III. Commitment", last year's Mediterráneamente campaign. Although this initiative was certainly slowed down by the COVID-19 health crisis, we can safely say it has now become a reality that shows the brand's commitment to the environment.
LatCub®, a project recognised by the professional industry
This way, Estrella Damm finalizes the project created in 2019 to replace plastic pack rings with carton rings for its beer cans. This project resulted in an innovative system called LatCub®, which allows to group cans together with a 100% biodegradable carton packaging produced with 100% natural fibres sourced from PEFC-certified sustainably managed forests.
Pro Carton, the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers, has recently given LatCub® the European Carton Excellence Award in Innovation, one of the most prestigious awards of the carton packaging industry.
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