Rodilla donates 8,000 torrijas to retirement homes in Madrid

The restaurant chain distributes the traditional Easter treat to 45 state and private retirement homes
Since the 8th of April, Rodilla, as part of its contribution to the response to the current health and social crisis and as a demonstration of its commitment to the people of Madrid for more than 80 years, has been distributing its famous, artisanal torrijas, (a kind of French toast, traditionally made and served in Spain in Easter week,) to more than 40 retirement homes in the Comunidad de Madrid. This action has been possible thanks to the help of the Dirección General de Coordinación Socio-Sanitaria del Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS).
The elderly, as one of the most at-risk groups, have been heavily affected by the spread of the coronavirus in Spain. Rodilla hopes that by taking this traditional Easter treat to them and their carers they can make these hard times a bit more bearable. Rodilla has distributed the torrijas under the most stringent safety measures and following the protocols of the health authorities.
Commitment to the local community is part of Rodilla’s DNA and has been for over 80 years. In the face of this pandemic, the company has wanted to support and help local people since the start of the state of emergency. It is one of three companies that have been giving daily meals to 11,500 children who qualify for free school meals in the Comunidad de Madrid since the 16th of March.