Ebro Foods donates one million euros to the fight against Covid-19

Damm is the principal shareholder in Ebro Foods
Ebro Foods, the multinational of which Damm's Executive Chairman, Demetrio Carceller Arce, is Vice Chairman, has announced that it will allocate one million euros from its budget to fight the Covid-19 pandemic in Spain. This amount, which the company will donate through the #ContagiaSolidaridad campaign, driven by its Arroz SOS brand, will be used to combat the disease by purchasing critical medical equipment, such as beds, ventilators and surgical or respiratory protection masks, for different hospitals throughout the country.
The company, of which Damm is a shareholder, has communicated that it is working on other similar actions, in collaboration with social entities, as part of its commitment to society. These activities are on top of the donations of 100,000 euros in cash and more than 22,500kg of rice which the group has made to the Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos (FESBAL – the Spanish federation of food banks) since the beginning of the crisis.