Estrella de Levante continues to help

The beer brand has been distributing water, health equipment and other products to various organizations
Estrella de Levante continues to work with the relevant authorities, providing bottled water and helping with the distribution and logistics of medical equipment and other products. One of these actions included sending twenty cold stores for refrigerating essential perishable goods to various Red Cross locations in the Region of Murcia. This contribution was possible thanks to the food and drink distributors Herederos de Montoya, Herederos de Sanchez Ruiz and Cerbeleva and their offices in Murcia and Cartagena.
With the Asociación de Supermercados de Murcia (the Murcia supermarket association) and the Concejalía de Asuntos Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Murcia (Murcia City Council Department of Social Affairs), the brewer delivered more than 12,000 litres of bottled water to the Banco de Alimentos de la Región de Murcia (the Murcia region food bank) and transported 3,000kg of bananas from Mercalicante to Cáritas Murcia and the Red Cross to help hundreds of families.
Estrella de Levante also supported the Solidarios Cartagena neighbours’ association by providing three pallets of bottled water and, through FCC Business, supplied more than 1,000 bottles of water to FC Cartagena in the centre set up to receive aid in the fight against Covid-19 in the port city.
The company continues to donate water and material to the Jesús Abandonado centres, to the Banco de Alimentos (the food bank) and to the Enrique Roca Stadium in Murcia, which has been set up as a base for truck drivers.