Demetrio Carceller Arce sends a message to all stakeholders

The Executive Chairman offers his support to customers, suppliers and distributors
After several weeks since the start of the state of emergency, and having contacted all Damm employees, Demetrio Carceller Arce, Executive Chairman of the company, sent a message of support, calm and confidence to the rest of the company’s stakeholders: suppliers, distributors and customers, both from the food and drink distribution channel, who continue to supply Damm products to end consumers, and from the hospitality industry, who have been directly affected by the shutting down of their establishments because of Covid-19.
To the latter, as well as to distributors, Carceller Arce sent a message conveying his full support following the major blow that the closure of all bars and restaurants represents to them. Carceller Arce insisted that "we are fully aware of the enormous difficulties you are going through, and I would like to send you a message of total solidarity, support and trust", to which he added that “at this moment we are working to be able to support you fully as soon the situation returns to normal. Our sales teams will keep you informed”.
To customers from the food and drink distribution channel, at a moment in which the sector is essential for the country to continue functioning, Damm’s Executive Chairman sent his thanks for their efforts in carrying on working so that operations can continue, and products and services reach customers as normal. He applauded “the extraordinary work of those at the point of sale, on the front line, working with dedication and sacrifice to deliver food and drink safely and securely in these exceptional circumstances”. He added that “now more than ever I would like you to know that you can count on us, on our commitment and effort. I have complete confidence that together we will get through this challenge, from which we will come out even stronger”.
The Executive Chairman of Damm pointed out that “in Damm’s 144 years of history the company has shown the strength and flexibility to adapt to complicated situations and changing circumstances, which, in the end, have made it even stronger”. However, he added, “Damm has never before had to face a public health crisis like this one, and in which the company’s main priority has been to protect the health and safety of all partners, suppliers, customers and their families”.