Street markets in Murcia and Cartagena will serve Estrella de Levante's "Christmas Beer" for charity purposes

Profits from the sale of this limited-edition beer will be donated in full to the "Gota de Leche" Association and the Segura Food Bank
This holiday season, Estrella de Levante's Christmas Beer will once again be present at gatherings and reunions, to be enjoyed with family, friends, and colleagues. This limited-edition beer will be sold for charity purposes at the Murcia street markets in Plaza Circular, and in Cartagena, at the Main Square and the Port. This is being carried out in coordination with both the Murcia and the Cartagena Municipalities.
Sales revenue in Murcia will be donated entirely to the Segura Food Bank, and in Caratgena to the "Gota de Leche" Association. This limited-edition beer will be sold in 333 ml six-packs, and will also be available this year in 20 cl bottles at street markets, so consumers can enjoy it in both Murcia's and Cartagena's culinary zones. They can also be bought online and at restaurants and hotels.
This exceptional beer is made from 100% natural ingredients: water, barley malt, rice, corn, and hops. The main characteristic of this premium lager is its aging with French oak shavings, giving it hints of vanilla and spices with a warm and sweet nuance. It is 6.8 proof and the recommended consumption temperature is seven to nine degrees.
"Murcia Loves Indie"
Book Venues where you can taste and buy this Christmas Beer will also sell copies of "Murcia Loves indie", a book that discusses the music of the region of Murcia over the last few years. The sales reveue for this book, wirtten by Victoria Sánchez, in collaboration with the Esttrella de Levante Foundation, will be donated to the Murcia Regional Food Bank.