Salem production plant receives AENOR's Zero Waste certification

This certificate recognizes good management programs that allow to reuse and transform the generated waste
Our Salem production plant located in Salem has received AENOR's Zero Waste certificate, which recognizes organizations that implement waste recovery programs so that not all types of residues end up being disposed of at the nearest dump. This organized waste management allows to reuse and/or transform residues into raw materials, thus reintroducing them in the value chain.
The award ceremony took place last 24 March at the Salem plant, with the presence of Antoni Folguera, Font Salem general director, and Salvador Ibáñez, AENOR director in the Valencian Community. "This certificate verifies the commitment shown by the company and each one of its associates to guarantee sustainability across all our production processes. Our client-oriented approach is strengthened by our commitment to society. This is why we aim to develop our activities with an efficient and responsible use of resources, as well to add value to our products and services", explained Folguera.
Salem is the first factory of the company to obtain this recognition, but we are working hard so that all the other plants can get it too in the coming months. This certification also shows the company's will to achieve a circular economy model in order to contribute to waste recovery and maximize waste recycling actions.