Rodilla participates in an act of thanks to Madrid’s public transport workers

The restaurant chain delivers 3,200 sandwiches to the Hospital 12 de Octubre via a human chain
Representatives of Rodilla went to the Hospital 12 de Octubre with the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida and other celebrities to thank the volunteers from the Empresa Municipal de Transportes (EMT), Madrid’s public transport company, for the work they have been doing since the 30th of March taking health professionals from the hotels where they have been staying to the hospitals and health centres where they have been fighting the battle against the coronavirus. To date, EMT volunteers have transported more than 1,300 health workers free of charge on five special routes.
Last week, Rodilla staff joined the human chain that formed at the gates of the hospital compound to deliver 3,200 sandwiches, which the restaurant chain had prepared and donated, through the collaboration of the Damm Foundation, to medical professionals from the Hospital 12 de Octubre in a show of appreciation of their work.
This initiative by Rodilla began several weeks ago in various hospitals in the region as a gesture of thanks and as a way of contributing to the fight against the pandemic. This Wednesday, the restaurant chain’s charity sandwich packs were taken to the hospital on one of the special EMT routes that go there.
The number of volunteers participating in the provision of these services has continued to grow since the 30th of March, when the first of these special routes was set up. The number of volunteers that make this shuttle service possible has tripled in a month and there are now over a hundred drivers.