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PyMEs Day, Mobile Week Barcelona's commitment to facilitate the digital transformation of SMEs

PyMEs Day, Mobile Week Barcelona's commitment to facilitate the digital transformation of SMEs

The event, which has the support of Damm, includes workshops, talks and sessions focused on key areas for SMEs to adapt to the digital environment

The sixth annual Mobile Week Barcelona, an initiative promoted by Mobile World Capital together with the City Council, launched the first day dedicated exclusively to SMEs and self-employed professionals at the Estrella Damm Old Brewery to promote the digital transformation of the productive fabric.

Throughout the day, around twenty workshops, presentations, networking and personalised mentoring sessions were held to provide self-employed professionals and SMEs with tools and knowledge to help them develop an effective and efficient strategy for the digital transformation of their business, company or activity. The full programme of PyMEs Day has been developed by the Foundation in collaboration with Barcelona Activa, Pimec, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), All Women Tech and Cibervoluntarios.

PyMEs Day focused on three key areas for the digital adaptation of the company or business: digital marketing and e-commerce; digitalisation of the company; and cybersecurity. These areas of knowledge have grown exponentially during the pandemic, sometimes being the only answer to face the changes of the current digital transformation.

Free activities and networking sessions

Some of the highlights of the day were the talks given by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) by the specialist consultant, Oriol Rius, on how to digitise business in the context of the fourth digital revolution; and the workshop by Amadeu Albós, professor at Estudios de Informática, Multimedia y Telecomunicaciones, on the cybersecurity needs for planning a secure digital transformation. The Fundación Cibervoluntarios workshops have focused on boosting digital marketing in SMEs.

During the day, Barcelona Activa offered personalised advice sessions to draw up a digitalisation plan in 45 minutes. For its part, Pimec presented the Digital Kit, the initiative launched by to support SMEs and self-employed professionals in the digitalisation process within the framework of the Next Generation EU Funds.

In addition, the gender equality director of All Women, Patricia Fernández Carrelo, presented the Gender Equality Tech Hub, a public-private initiative to bring together companies in Barcelona committed to gender equality in the field of technology. Another highlight was the round table on how to reduce the gender digital divide with speakers such as Tatiana Guerrero, project manager in the area of Social Rights, Global Justice, Feminism and LGTBI of the Barcelona City Council; Laura Fernández, CEO and co-founder of All Women; Aysel Palacios, Managing Partner of Iterem and Thais Ruiz de Alda, founder and CEO of Digital Fems.

Networking spaces were organised, designed to strengthen the ecosystem and promote global agreements and cooperation between the SMEs and entities present. Prioritising governance systems that place technology as a fundamental tool for change, as a lever to reduce inequalities, evidenced by technology itself, to bring together all those agents that work on a daily basis to address the digital divide.

Mobile Week Barcelona is an initiative of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, promoted jointly with the Barcelona City Council and with the support of Damm and CaixaBank.