"Greenland", the new Free Damm campaign

Starring Pere Arquillué and Julio Manrique, and directed by filmmaker David Vergés, "Greenland" is available on television, social media, and Catalan digital and external media
What are Pere Arquillué and Julio Manrique doing in a hot tub in the middle of the Arctic wasteland? The answer is quite simple: starring in "Greenland", the new Free Damm campaign, 0.0 % gluten-free beers from Damm. A campaign that follows Encasillados, 2021 (a previous campaign), and is once again directed by filmmaker David Vergés, now available on television, social media, and Catalan digital and external media.
The previous campaign ended with a "Where do you think they'll send us for the next ad?", Manrique asked Arquillé hesitantly, as they stood on a sailboat with the coast of Barcelona in the background. Without missing a beat, he himself says thoughtfully and ironically: "Greenland". No sooner said than done, frozen mountains covered in snow become the chosen setting for the new campaign for the 0.0 beers from Damm: Free Damm, Free Damm Limón, with ripe lemons and sour limes that add body and freshness to each sip; and Free Damm Tostada, a beer full of nuance with strong hints of toasted grains, caramel, coffee and cacao.
The thing is, whether it's on a sailboat sailing the Mediterranean, or in a hot tub at the top of a frozen mountain, no matter the time or place, having a 0.0 beer by Damm is always a good idea. These beers are prepared with the same ingredients used in those that contain alcohol, to then eliminate it using a technique called "distillation in a vacuum". Damm's master brewers have now managed to retain the aromas that were lost when alcohol was eliminated from the product, resulting in even tastier Free Damm varieties.
Meanwhile, Manrique can't help but try to predict the location of the next campaign: "The Maldives, the Polynesian Islands...?" To find out where it'll be, you'll have to stay tuned for Damm's next delivery of 0.0 % beer.