Free festivities bar for ten years, Estrella Damm's latest proposal

Estrella Damm launches the P∞lsera 2023, a piece of digital art (NFT) that will grant access, for ten years, to twenty-one festivals sponsored by the brand throughout Catalonia
A collar with a gold coloured back. This is the object of desire that Damm fans will have to find in the 33 cl and 20 cl bottles in bars and restaurants throughout Catalonia and Andorra, if they wish to try and win ten years of free parties. But careful, there's only one!
Whoever finds the collar will win the "Estrella Damm P∞lsera 2023" with which they will be able to access twenty-one music festivals that the brand sponsors throughout Catalonia. A bracelet that will not be clasped at the wrist but will be carried comfortably in a smartphone wallet. The fact is that the P∞lsera is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token), a piece of digital art, exclusive and non-transferable. Only the winner of the contest will be able to enjoy this unique experience offered by the brewery, a piece by the artist from Barcelona, Alex Trochut, and generated in the Polygon blockchain, which represents the first incursion by the beer maker in the world of NFTs.
The festivals participating in the promotion are (a)phònica, Festival de la Veu de Banyoles (Banyoles), ARTS d'Estiu (Pineda de Mar), Brunch! lectronik (Barcelona), Cabró Rock (Vic), Calafell Beach Festival (Calafell), Canet Rock (Canet de Mar), Cap Roig Festival (Calella de Palafrugell), El Tingladu (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Festival de la Porta Ferrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols), Festival Cruïlla (Barcelona), Festival Internacional de Música de Cambrils (Cambrils), Festival Ítaca (L'Estartit), Festival Strenes (Girona), Festival Som de Mar (Lloret de Mar), Primavera Sound (Barcelona), Share Festival (Barcelona), Sónar (Barcelona), Sons del Món (Roses), Summerfest Cerdanya (Puigcerdà), Telecogresca (Barcelona) and Vida Festival (Vilanova i la Geltrú).
But that's not all. In addition to the La P∞lsera NFT, Estrella Damm fans will have another opportunity to experience the best music live. All the collars, except the golden one, from the Estrella Damm returnable bottles, will bear a promotional code on their back with which participants can enter the draw for free access to the same twenty-one festivals in Catalonia, for free. Participating is as easy as accessing and introducing the code. The more codes each fan introduces up to May 2, the more possibilities they will have to win this second prize, which will be part of a draw before a notary public on May 8.