Estrella de Levante renews its EFR certification as a family-responsible company

For the second time, the Fundación Más Familia recognises the Murcian brewery for the set of measures implemented in terms of work-life balance among its employees.
Estrella de Levante was re-awarded the certification by the Fundación Más Familia, a recognition which accredits the work of the Murcian brewery to adopt measures which favour the work-life balance of the more than 190 workers who make up the workforce at its Espinardo factory.
In this way, Estrella de Levante remains the only company in the agri-food sector in the Region of Murcia to hold this certification, which it obtained for the first time in 2021 and which it revalidates this year after an external evaluation process by AENOR.
Flexible start and finish times, equal opportunities promoted through the Equality Plan, as well as the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace through agreements with special employment centres such as FEYCSA and the intensive working day during August are some of the most important measures implemented to guarantee a balance between the personal, family and professional lives of employees.
The Estrella de Levante EFR team, made up of professionals from different departments led by Juana Sánchez and Enrique Guirao, EFR manager and director, ensures compliance with the measures adopted. "We will continue to work to reinforce our involvement in achieving work-life balance and to make this issue a competitive and differential factor in our organisation," Guirao said.