Demetrio Carceller Arce visits Málaga

Damm executive president visited the Victoria brewery and Antonio Banderas' Soho Theater
Coinciding with the signing of the sponsorship agreement between Cervezas Victoria and the Málaga Film Festival, Damm executive president Demetrio Carceller Arce visited the Victoria brewery and the Soho Theater, one of Antonio Banderas' cultural projects in his hometown which is also sponsored by Victoria.
After signing the agreement, Carceller Arce paid a visit to the Victoria brewery, founded in 2017, on the very same day Málaga celebrated the feast of its patron saint Victoria. During his visit, Carceller Arce could access the brewery area and enjoy the beer's brewing process in person. He also went to the packaging area, where they showed him their new one-way 1/3 bottle packaging line. Following the appropriate Covid-19 measures, Carceller Arce was accompanied by Jorge Villavecchia, CEO of Damm, Francisco de la Torre, mayor of Málaga, Juan Antonio Vigar, Malaga Film Festival director and Noelia Losada, Málaga city councilor for Culture and Sports.
Later on, the group went to visit the Soho Theater, founded and powered by the actor, director and producer Antonio Banderas (born in Málaga), and officially sponsored by Cervezas Victoria as well. The building opened its doors by the end of 2019 and was designed as a performing arts production, training and broadcasting center. During the guided tour, the group visited all the different spaces that make this place a unique stage within the current cultural scene in Spain.