Demetrio Carceller Arce sends a message of thanks to the Damm workforce

The Executive Chairman of Damm shows his appreciation for the team’s commitment and hard work. He stresses the importance of caution and safety as the company’s personnel gradually go back to the office.
Three months since the Spanish Government first declared the state of emergency, Demetrio Carceller Arce, Executive Chairman of Damm, has sent a message to all of the company’s employees, thanking them for their dedication and hard work during this time and, again, offering words of encouragement and comfort to all those who have suffered from the pandemic in one way or another. He highlighted with optimism that “next week, while always ensuring the highest levels of personal safety, we will take a new step with the gradual return of working in the office. It is an unprecedented phase in which we will act with maximum caution to protect everybody’s health and safety.”
In his message, Carceller Arce pointed out the great ability the company has shown to adjust to the circumstances, ensuring the steady and safe supply of its products. “The crisis has affected the various companies of the group in different ways, but the group as a whole has shown how strong it is and that it has been able to adapt, day by day, to face the crisis,” he explained.
The Executive Chairman of Damm expressed his personal appreciation for the commitment and effort of each of the company’s employees, both those who have continued to go to their usual place of work and to those who have been working from home, as well as those who have been coping with the crisis in the more than 120 countries where Damm operates. “This situation has tested our resilience, but we have been able to overcome many drawbacks and difficulties, using technology to renovate our procedures.”
He added that “we have taken on board the transformation our working lives have undergone over the last few weeks. We are ready to face the new challenges before us, for which we count on your commitment, your involvement and your talent.”
Carceller Arce also made special mention of the hospitality industry, “our great ally”, whose closure, “even though it was declared an essential sector by the Government, has had a major impact on our business.” “It is now time,” he said, “to join forces with the hospitality industry and collaborate in its speedy recovery. We will do everything in our power to make sure nobody is left behind. With the reopening of our main sales channel, our production will slowly begin to recover, although there is still a long way to go until we reach pre-crisis levels.”
Lastly, he also reiterated his pride in, and gratitude for, the great work done by the group’s companies and by the Damm Foundation responding to society’s social and health needs during the crisis.