Damm's Advent Calendar is back

The calendar's second edition comes with new surprises and a new design
Damm launches its very own Advent Calendar, back for the second year in a row, with new surprises and a new design.
On this ocassion, Damm's Advent Calendar was designed by English illustrator Zoë Barker. The artist has reinterpreted the front of the Old Estrella Damm Brewery, an emblematic building in the city of Barcelona from 1905, in which beer was brewed for over 85 years.
Behind the windows of this old Brewery hide twenty-four surprises, all waiting to be opened, among which you can find the different beers offered by the company - from the oldest to the newest-, as well as other gifts to be discovered in the coming days.
In November of last year, Damm launched its Advent Calendar for the first time as a limited edition, which quickly sold out on the company's website.
This year's limited edition can already be purchased at shop.damm.com for 75€ .