Damm takes part in the 'Buscamos Reyes Majos' campaign

Over 180 people in a vulnerable situation received a gift this Christmas, thanks to the solidarity of Damm employees
Damm employees in Murcia, Madrid, and Cataluña joined the "Buscamos Reyes Majos" solidarity campaign promoted by Miaportación Foundation. Thanks to their solidarity, over 180 people in a vulnerable situation got a gift this Christmas, granting one of their Christmas wishes.
Damm volunteers, selected using a draw, delivered presents to the Jesús Abandonado Foundation (Murcia), the San Martín de Porres Foundation (Madrid), and the Arrels Foundation, (Catalunya). These non-profit entities, which work to take care of the needs of the homeless, or those at risk of being excluded from society in their respective territories, handed out presents over the Christmas holiday.
Cooperation with "Buscamos Reyes Majos is framed in the #LIVE TO BE PART OF THE CHANGE volunteer plan, the purpose of which is to positively impact society and the environment through social, environmental, cultural, and sports actions.