Damm joins the social and labour insertion project JOVES FUTUR + from the FC Barcelona Foundation

Through this project, which supports the emancipation of youths no longer in the foster care system, Damm will offer the possibility to work in companies such as Distribución Directa Integral (DDI) or Alfil
Damm has signed a cooperation agreement to join the JOVES FUTUR + project. This initiative, driven by the FC Barcelona Foundation with support from "la Caixa" Foundation, aims to facilitate full autonomy for youths from all of Cataluña who are no longer in the foster care system, who now enjoy less protections from public administration, and who find themselves in a situation of greater vulnerability.
Every year, hundreds of youths face difficulty in finding their first job when they reach legal age and are forced to become emancipated without any support from family. The JOVES FUTUR+ initiative seeks to provide a solution to this issue; through a network of professional individuals and volunteers that specialize in training, insertion, social education, psychology, and mentorship, it helps youths to develop the necessary tools to achieve full autonomy in cases where they lack support from family or a social network.
Thus, Damm joins other solidary companies and will offer employment and internship opportunities to beneficiary youths in companies such as Distribución Directa Integral (DDI) and Alfil. Working closely with the program organizers, Damm becomes part of a project with which an individual itinerary is defined with each participant, and they are offered support in 4 areas: skills training for employability and in a trade, employment insertion, and psychosocial mentoring.
"For the FC Barcelona Foundation, it is very good news that Damm is joining the JOVES FUTUR + labor and social insertion project. Damm has a long-lasting and close bond with FC Barcelona as a partner, which is now strengthened in the Club's most social and solidary facet. It is especially motivating for us to see a company like Damm cooperating and getting involved in this project, and that it serve as an inspiration to other companies in terms of offering these vulnerable youths, who have lost the support of the foster care system, job opportunities that will help them to begin to build a life and ensure a future for themselves with dignity", said Dr. Marta Segú, CEO of the FC Barcelona Foundation.
"At Damm we firmly believe in the importance of creating inclusive opportunities and supporting the development of talent in every field. Our joining the JOVES FUTUR + project will allow us to make a real difference in the lives of youths that have aged out of the foster care system and find themselves at risk of social exclusion, thus contributing to building a more just and egalitarian society", says Ricardo Lechuga, Director of People at Damm.
Damm's Commitment to integrating people at risk of social exclusion, or with different capabilities, is a priority for the company. It seeks to promote the insertion of these groups into the labor market by promoting their integration through strategic collaborations and cross-sectional action plans.
The JOVES FUTUR + project offers youths a possibility that does not focus exclusively on training and employability, but rather also grants great importance to promoting cross-sectional skills and providing psycho-social support and mentoring to participants through its network of mentors. Throughout the entire process, there is a constant follow up with each participant, which serves to encourage autonomy and guarantee that they develop personal and social skills that will help them get and keep a job. Furthermore, the program also offers training with regard to managing one's personal and domestic finances and making the most of one's free time, which are crucial aspects within their emancipation process.