Damm joins the 10 edition of solidary movement Magic Line SJD

Company employees and their families and friends marched along the routes organized in Cataluña, Madrid, Murcia and Valencia, raising a total of 15,000€
Damm has joined the tenth edition of Magic Line SJD, the social movement in favor of the most vulnerable, which is promoted every year by the San Juan De Dios charity.
With the motto "10 years marching together", Damm employees, along with their families and friends have participated in the march and covered over 1,400 kilometers along the routes organized in Cataluña, Madrid, Murcia and Valencia. Additionally, Damm launched the sporting challenge "The more we walk, the more we help". By means of this challenge, the Damm Foundation donates 1 Euro for every kilometer covered in Cataluña, Madrid and Valencia, while the Estrella de Levante Foundation does the same thing in Murcia. In total, over 15,000 Euro have been raised, and will be used to fund the social and health programs that are carried out in the various San Juan de Dios centers.
Magic Line SJD 2023 has allowed companies, schools and entities to promote and organize their own marches. Damm has once again supported the Mediterranean route, in which 4,660 individuals have participated during the last two editions.
This year, the tenth anniversary of the Magic Line SJD march was celebrated, an initiative that Damm joined over 6 years ago, to contribute towards building a more fair and welcoming society. Contributions by the company, which over the years have reached 42,283Euro, have been added to a global collection of over 3,000,000 Euro by Magic Line SJD over the course of its ten editions. Thanks to these contributions, close to 300 projects aimed at helping vulnerable groups such as the homeless, people with mental illness, learning disabilities, senior citizens, children and adolescents, have been funded.
By working on a project such as this, the brewery once again demonstrates the commitment it has to solidarity and the desire to help to generate a positive impact in society.