The Damm Foundation donates 5,400 bottles of Laccao to the Fundación Aladina

The milkshake will be given to children in various hospitals in Madrid which the Aladina foundation collaborates with
Since the beginning of this health crisis, the Damm Foundation has been in direct contact with the relevant authorities, making all its resources available to help where it can.
In keeping with the desire to continue collaborating in the fight against Covd-19 and to helping those who need it most, the Damm Foundation has delivered 5,400 bottles of Laccao milkshake to the Fundación Aladina, which provides comprehensive support to young children, adolescents and their families, including psychological, emotional and material assistance.
The Laccao will go to children in the hospitals that the Fundación Aladina works with in Madrid: the Hospital Niño Jesús, the Gregorio Marañón hospital and the 12 de Octubre hospital.
Damm Foundation actions in the fight against Covid-19
This donation of Laccao is the latest in a number of actions already carried out by the Damm Foundation, such as the donation of more than 150,000 litres of mineral water to health centres, hospitals and social entities in more than 20 provinces in Spain; the daily distribution of 4,000 sandwiches from the Rodilla restaurant chain to the elderly, health workers, people with special needs or drivers from the Empresa Municipal de Transportes public transport company in the Comunidad de Madrid; or the collaboration with community initiatives set up by various chefs and restaurants, which prepare and deliver more than 5,000 meals a day to hospital and care home staff and to soup kitchens in Barcelona, Madrid and Mallorca, among other actions to support the community at this time.