Cacaolat donates 60,000 bottles of milkshakes and milk

The company focuses on families with children, elderly people who live alone and health workers
Cacaolat wanted to help make the effects of the Covid-19 health crisis a bit easier to bear for the most vulnerable in society and to thank health and sanitation workers for the part they play every day in this struggle, so has donated 60,000 bottles of chocolate milkshake and milk to various charity organisations and health centres.
The milkshake company has donated bottles of Cacaolat Original chocolate milkshake and Letona milk, which will go to families with young children and the elderly who live alone, while health personnel will be given bottles of Cacaolat Mocca and Cacaolat Original. Cacaolat has made these donations through associations such as the Banc dels Aliments (food bank), Cáritas and the Red Cross in Catalonia, through popular charity initiatives including Health Warriors, through the Col·legi de Metges (doctors’ association) in Barcelona and directly to staff at various hospitals and health centres.
Cacaolat wished to contribute in this way to alleviating a situation that is complex for families in difficult circumstances and to thank health professionals for the effort they are making during this crisis.
The company will constantly analyse the situation and will continue to make donations a long as is necessary.